Sunday, August 10, 2008

Run Forrest! Run!

And so today was the big day - City to Surf 08. It was a beautiful, if a little crisp, winters day. More than 70,000 Sydney-siders got out of bed early on a Sunday and made their way to Hyde Park for the 9am start.

I set myself the goal of 80 mins a few months back and this is how it went down:

1 min: Patiently waiting in the 3rd group for the starters gun. We're encouraged to wear jumpers which we can leave behind for charity. As I throw mine, it opens like a parachute, pulls up short and gently glides down perfectly over another unsuspecting runners head. If anything, it was good for a few laughs from the crowd. Nice one Gump!

15min: I'd forgotten how hilly the course is. Still waiting to reach that runners plateau where you're body stops complaining about the stupid thing you're putting it through.

25min: Thank God. I plateau out and actually start feeling pretty good. Could also have been the Red Bull I chugged before the start.

35min : Heartbreak Hill is approaching. I'll suck it and see but so far I might just keep jogging up it.

50min: Wow,the hill wasn't as bad as I remembered. I haven't needed to walk yet and still feel fresh. Well on track for my goal.

65min: Feeling good so I've picked up the pace. The crowds make it pretty hard going though. Is that the ocean I see???

75min: Home stretch! I try kick along the main street of Bondi but there's nothing left. Still, I'm happy I left nothing in the tank.

77min: Finish line - mission accomplished. :)

And now for a feast and a cool ale at one of Bondi's finest!


1 comment:

bastinptc said...

Congrats on the run.

I've been to Bondi. I have a little mental image of Gump crossing the finish line.

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